Don might be thinking of what his life has meant. |
There are many books and there are many writers who have
propounded this same question. John
Bunyan writes of people being pilgrims and going through various
experiences. Sometimes “success” is made
synonymous to a meaningful life. Present
day “successful” people, who, by the way, become experts on everything, define
success in the amount of accumulations – money, material goods, mansions, Rolls
Royce’s, PhD’s or good works. Some
define it in the fame they have achieved, or in the notoriety they have
gained. And the list goes on and on.
I have recently discovered that books come to life when I listen to them. One day I decided to listen to the whole book of Ecclesiastes, not so much for what it said, but for how it was said. Ecclesiastes is one of my favorite poetic books. As I listened to all the twelve chapters in one sitting, I realized that I was listening to the words of someone so very wise, in fact, possibly the wisest man who ever lived. He, too, tried to find the meaning of life in much the same way that 21st century people do. If you want to know what King Solomon’s take is on life, may I suggest listening to or reading his whole book of Ecclesiastes in one sitting. Then you would have sat at the feet of one who had it all and done it all. It will be most interesting to find out his conclusion.
If you wish to know who I listen to and how, drop me a little note in the comment box and I will get it to you. It will be fun to hear from you.
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