Tuesday, November 18, 2014


(Today I have a guest blogger.  My daughter writes.  She’s a much better writer than her mom.  She usually says more in less words.  I thought I’d share this with you.)
By Kristy Coughlin

 https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10676309_10152656471660753_2469961499448466894_n.jpg?oh=322aac6e10bf38783c099b256042284a&oe=54DF2EDC&__gda__=1427644874_58fbb5f724fc6ec4b54c493795480d10I'm giving this ugly chair a sweater and God's grace is pouring down like rain. All of these pieces are failed attempts at projects, and time "wasted." And yet there is beauty yet to be made. I'm weaving them together to create something brand new and my heart yells, "Even our wasted moments were together and that makes them precious, Lord."

I saved each of these failures, because I sort of knew they could be redeemed. I get that from Him. The redeemer's heart yells, "Hold on. These are not failures. They are pieces for another thing." Hold on, dear ones! Your pieces might not make sense today, but some day...



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