This tree has seen a lot through its hundreds of years of life. It has many stories to tell. I wonder if the kings and princes of old who have been tenants of the Citadel ever sat on that bench next to it. Moreover, what did they talk about? And how about the war? What tales would this old tree share with us? I have learned to like listening to stories, stories told by folks who have seen much of life. They fascinate me. (Probably because I am now an old folk myself.) I wish I had listened to their stories more when I was young. I could have learned a lot and possibly saved myself many mishaps.
At the ripe old age of 3, both my daughter and my son made the declaration that they knew everything. I think my similar moment came after I got that rolled sheepskin in my hand. Some measure of modesty kept me from announcing this to the whole world, but much like my 3-year olds, I was misguided. I thought that my small world thus far, was it, and I knew pretty much about it, after all, I've read books, pass exams and got a college degree. Then, I got older and older, and older. I found out there were more things I didn’t know than I knew. The more I knew, the more I realized I knew less. Most of the learning I needed could not be learned from books or university lectures, but from life and from life lessons that are passed on from generation to generation. I wish that earlier in my life I had learned the necessity to listen and listen carefully. As a young person trying to find her spot under the sun, I was preoccupied with many things. The sad part is I had been surrounded by many stories that I heard but failed to listen to. Each person who came into my life had stories that I could have learned from. Unfortunately, I don't think there are courses that teach listening. There are those that teach public speaking, speechmaking and doing presentations, but none that I know of that teaches one to listen. The Bible says, "Let the wise hear and increase in learning and the one who understands obtain guidance." (Proverbs 1:5 ESV)
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